d = JSON3.read(json,Tuple{Symbol,String,String,Int64,Float64})
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type String to an object of type Symbol
But I get an error reading the object of type symbol
This is mainly because JSON3 doesn’t have specialized support for Tuples yet. It supports them via a general “array” interface, but the general array interface assumes the container will have a single eltype when reading. In this case, your tuple type is not homogenous, so each element is just parsed generally, then it tries to convert at the end, as opposed to using the types of each element of your tuple and parsing the types specifically. I don’t think it’d be too hard to add support for this though, since tuples can be a really useful way to bundle a couple things together.
Hey @Elmer_Cusipuma, sorry for the slow response, I’m trying to catch up on recent pings/issues. There was a bug in the recent tuple support I added to JSON3.jl, so I just pushed a fix and made a new release, so once that’s merged in the registry, this should work as expected.