I would like to run an external command an get its output
str = read(`ls -al`, String)
works for reading the output. However, I have a command that can also give non-zero exit codes on what I consider successful execution (no results). So I want to run the command capture its output (if any) and capture the exit code. I have a solution which seems to work, but it also seems that there should be a simpler solution for this. This is my current solution:
function runandcapture(cmd)
io = IOBuffer();
cmd = Cmd(cmd, ignorestatus = true)
res = run(pipeline(cmd; stdout=io, stderr=io));
str = String(take!(io))
[str, res.exitcode]
str, res = runandcapture(`ls --foo`)
Is this how this should be done? Can it be done simpler/better?