1. Example:
I tried to use Optim package to implement MATLAB fminsearch I have found it in the Optim documentation and I tried to follow it:
using Optim
struct MatlabSimplexer <: Optim.Simplexer
MatlabSimplexer(;a = 0.00025, b = 0.05) = MatlabSimplexer(a, b)
function Optim.simplexer{T, N}(A::MatlabSimplexer, initial_x::Array{T, N})
n = length(initial_x)
initial_simplex = Array{T, N}[initial_x for i = 1:n+1]
for j = 1:n
initial_simplex[j+1][j] += initial_simplex[j+1][j] == zero(T) ? S.b * initial_simplex[j+1][j] : S.a
and I got this ERROR: UndefVarError: T not defined
How to read and understand this Optim.simplexer{T, N}
How to do it properly?
2. Example:
LIBSVM.jl package ask you to follow ?svmtrain
for options, which is:
svmtrain{T, U<:Real}(X::AbstractMatrix{U}, y::AbstractVector{T}=[];
svmtype::Type=SVC, kernel::Kernel.KERNEL=Kernel.RadialBasis, degree::Integer=3,
gamma::Float64=1.0/size(X, 1), coef0::Float64=0.0,
cost::Float64=1.0, nu::Float64=0.5, epsilon::Float64=0.1,
tolerance::Float64=0.001, shrinking::Bool=true,
probability::Bool=false, weights::Union{Dict{T, Float64}, Compat.Nothing}=nothing,
cachesize::Float64=200.0, verbose::Bool=false)
and a lot of listed parameters, e.g.
• svmtype::Type=LIBSVM.SVC: Type of SVM to train SVC (for C-SVM), NuSVC OneClassSVM, EpsilonSVR or NuSVR. Defaults to
OneClassSVM if y is not used.
• kernel::Kernels.KERNEL=Kernel.RadialBasis: Model kernel Linear, polynomial, RadialBasis, Sigmoid or Precomputed.
• degree::Integer=3: Kernel degree. Used for polynomial kernel
• gamma::Float64=1.0/size(X, 1) : γ for kernels
Could you please explain to me how to set svmtype
and kernel
? And what is svmtrain{T, U<:Real}