Hi, I’m implementing a function that initializes an array of certain type specified by a type parameter, which I considered using
ArrayInit(ARR::Type{A{V}},siz) where {A<:AbstractArray, V<:Number}
which does not work:
julia> Type{A{V}} where {A<:AbstractArray, V<:Number}
ERROR: TypeError: in Type{...} expression, expected UnionAll, got a value of type TypeVar
So what is the right way of passing something like CuArray{Int} as argument to ArrayInit? In other words, my question is how to qualifyARR as a numerical array type, i.e., ARR<:AbstractArray{T} where T<:Number is true, ARR isa AbstractArray{T} where T is false.
I seem to have found a qualifier as ::Type{AR} where AR<:AbstractArray{V} where V<:Number:
julia> CuArray{Int} isa Type{AR} where AR<:AbstractArray{V} where V<:Number
julia> Array{Int} isa Type{AR} where AR<:AbstractArray{V} where V<:Number
julia> Tuple{Int} isa Type{AR} where AR<:AbstractArray{V} where V<:Number
julia> Array{String} isa Type{AR} where AR<:AbstractArray{V} where V<:Number