How to Put Sublists into Docstrings?

Hi all,

I was reviewing a PR recently and was trying to correct a small error in their docstring. Here is the docstring:

    latex(text::LaTeXString, pos::Point, object::Symbol; valign::Symbol = :top, halign::Symbol = :left)

Add the latex string `text` to the top left corner of the LaTeX path.
Can be added to `Luxor.jl` graphics via [`Video`](@ref).

- **This only works if `tex2svg` is installed.**
    It can be installed using the following command (you may have to prefix this command with `sudo` depending on your installation):

        npm install -g mathjax-node-cli

- **The `latex` method must be called from within an [`Object`](@ref).**

# Arguments
- `text::LaTeXString`: a LaTeX string to render.
- `pos::Point`: position of the upper left corner of the latex text. Default: `O`
    - can be written as `x, y` instead of `Point(x, y)`
- `object::Symbol`: graphics objects defined by `Luxor.jl`. Default `:stroke`.
	- `:stroke` - Draws the latex string on the canvas. For more info check `Luxor.strokepath`
	- `:path` - Creates the path of the latex string but does not render it to the canvas.

What I was expecting by creating sublists in the Arguments section, the bullets would be indented neatly like this:


  • text::LaTeXString: a LaTeX string to render.
  • pos::Point: position of the upper left corner of the latex text. Default: O
    • can be written as x, y instead of Point(x, y)
  • object::Symbol: graphics objects defined by Luxor.jl. Default :stroke.
    • :stroke - Draws the latex string on the canvas. For more info check Luxor.strokepath
    • :path - Creates the path of the latex string but does not render it to the canvas.

Instead, the rendered docstring looks like this:

As one can see, the bullet for pos now contains the sub-bullet and the stroke and path sub-bullets were not rendered. Could anyone explain or help me figure out why this Markdown syntax does not work in docstrings?

Thank you!

~ tcp :deciduous_tree:

This looks like a bug. If you don’t get a reply here, please check existing issues and open one if necessary.

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What Julia version are you using? It works as expected on Julia 1.5. (Julia 1.6 has another list display bug, but it does not look as in your screenshot).

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I use 0-day julia. Same problem.

Ah that might be it then - I am using Julia 1.6.0-rc3. I’ll look to see if an issue is opened on Julia

Issue opened since I could not find anything else referencing this phenomena: