How to pretty print an InMemoryDataset?

When I print an InMemoryDataSet, how can I suppress the lines:

    Row │ time      RTR       addr    d1      d2      data3   data4   data5   data6   
        │ identity  identity  hex     hex2    hex2    hex2    hex2    hex2    hex2    
        │ Float64?  Int64?    Int64?  Int64?  Int64?  Int64?  Int64?  Int64?  UInt16? 
      1 │  1422.03         1  0x0127      02      04      de      ad      be       ef

format and type?

Furthermore, how can I suppress the row number?

Found the answer to the first question:

show(ds, eltypes=false)

Only the second question is still open…

show(ds, show_row_number=false)