How to plot an annotation with datetime X


 Using Plots module I have a problem positioning annotations as you can see:
using Plots
x = 1
plot([x], [1], legend=false)
annotate!([x], [2], Plots.text("Here", 16, :red, :center))


This works perfectly, positioning an annotation at coordinates (1, 2). But when I work with dates, see:

using Dates, Plots
x = DateTime(2020, 03, 18)
plot([x], [1], legend=false)
annotate!([x], [2], Plots.text("Here", 16, :red, :center))

I got:

MethodError: no method matching wctondc(::DateTime, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
  wctondc(!Matched::Real, ::Real) at /home/user/.julia/packages/GR/tPkHV/src/GR.jl:2579

You need to convert the DateTime object to its value.

annotate!(Dates.value.([x]), [2], Plots.text("Here", 16, :red, :center))