All I need to do is to plot a simple stacked chart (possibly also normalised).
I would like to start from these simple data:
a = [1,1,1,1.5,2,3]
b = [0.5,0.6,0.4,0.3,0.3,0.2]
c = [2,1.8,2.2,3.3,2.5,1.8]
sNames = ["a","b","c"]
xLabels = [2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006]
I did try:
- PlotRecipes (now “GraphRecipes”) but the example given is too complex and it doesn’t run on Julia 1.1
- Vega.jl. The example seems simple enought, but the package doesn’t work on Julia >= 0.7
- VegaLite.jl. The example is very complex too, and I didn’t manage to reduce it to my simpler case
- groupedbar recipe of StatsPlots, but it’s a histogram not a stacked area chart, and it is not indicated how to get it normalised (aside of course manually doing that ex-ante)
I have to say I’m a bit frustrated… I may just be dumb, I feel like in the domain of plotting there is a competition on showing cool features you can get with the various plotting packages, instead of showing simple examples that highlight one specific point at the time…