Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to create the same plot here that I created using PyPlot, but now using Plots. Does anyone know how to work around this issue?
using PyPlot
# ion()
# pygui(true)
r_ini = 1.0
r_end = 2.0 # range in r-direction
θ_ini = 0.0
θ_end = π/2 # range in θ-direction
n = 31
# Spatial grid for the numerical solution
r = range(r_ini, stop=r_end, length=n)
θ = range(θ_ini, stop=θ_end, length=n)'
x1 = r .* cos.(θ)
y1 = r .* sin.(θ)
z = ones(size(x1))
contourf(x1, y1, z', title="Initial Condition", color=:viridis)
#contourf(r, θ', z, title="Initial Condition", color=:viridis)
Now with Plots:
using Plots
r_ini = 1.0
r_end = 2.0 # range in r-direction
θ_ini = 0.0
θ_end = π/2 # range in θ-direction
n = 100
# Spatial grid for the numerical solution
r = range(r_ini, stop=r_end, length=n)
θ = range(θ_ini, stop=θ_end, length=n)
x1 = r .* cos.(θ)
y1 = r .* sin.(θ)
z = ones(n, n) # Ensure z has the correct dimensions
contourf(x1, y1, z, title="Initial Condition", color=:viridis)
Also it shows in the REPL that either “Arrays have incorrect length or dimension.” or “points not sorted in ascending order”.
Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance!