How to play the audiobook .m4b file in julia?

I want to play a audio book file xxx.m4b in a web app, but I can’t find a package to handle the m4b file. I find a possible package called ffmpeg but I have no idea how to implement it. How can I play a audio book file in a web app or just natively in my desktop?

Depending on the browsers you need to support, it may work with an <audio> tag. Then your app just needs to serve the file with the correct mime type.

crosspost: web - How to play the audiobook .m4b file in julia? - Stack Overflow

Can I use julia to control the playback? Like the start time or speed. I want it to be a web stream. It is like user click a bottom on the web page and send a http post to julia, and the julia control the web stream? I’m wondering how to get the .m4b file to a audio stream and connect the stream to the web.