How to pass arguments to Cmd?

For example I might call `echo` with argument "hello", how can I do it? Assume cmd = `eho` , I found that push!(cmd.exec, "hello" does the trick, but exec is not documented, is this recommended?

Also, run from Base has the signature run(command, args...; wait::Bool = true). args is not documented, what does it mean? I tried Strings and Cmds but they do not work.

If you have a literal argument, just do

run(`echo hello`)

If you have it in a variable you would typically interpolate the string into the command

s = "hello"
run(`echo $s`)

There are also options like

run(Cmd(["echo", "hello"]))

Thanks, the situation is that I have optional trailing arguments, which can not be added with interpolation:

s = ""
`cmake -S src $s` # => `cmake -B src ''` instead of `cmake -S src`

Just interpolate an array (which can be empty) of your trailing arguments (if any):

julia> args = [];

julia> `cmake -S src $args`
`cmake -S src`

julia> args = ["foo", "bar baz"];

julia> `cmake -S src $args`
`cmake -S src foo 'bar baz'`

You have to to realize that, under the hood, a Cmd object is not constucting a single string to execute with a shell. It is constructing an executable name and a list of arguments that are passed to that executable directly in its low-level argument list. So, if s = "" and you interpolate $s, you are asking Julia to pass a literal empty string as an argument. (This is a good thing! Passing arguments directly means that you don’t have to worry about unexpected effects from spaces or metacharacters in the string.)


You can also splice commands into each other and it works they way you’d want, which is by treating Cmd objects like funny arrays of words. Example:

cmd = `ls -l`
if color
    cmd = `$cmd --color=yes`

Thanks! Such a shame that only after your reply did I realize the manual had already mentioned this situation.

I do know that commands are an array of strings, but it is surprising to find out that Julia did it the right way!

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