I am trying to call some C code from julia. The header of the C code defines the following:
typedef void* FES;
so, I believe FES is a pointer to a Cvoid.
The same header file provides this signature for the function I want to call:
int fes_new(FES* handle,
const fes_enum_tide_type tide,
const fes_enum_access mode,
const char* const path);
If I understand this correctly, the fes_new function wants a pointer to a pointer to void as its first argument.
I have tried a few different approaches to this, but I am uncertain how to create the first argument in julia in order to pass it to the function. If you have time to point me to a working example or can provide a solution to this, I would appreciate it.
I have tried variants of this:
FES = Ref(Ptr{Cvoid})
but I receive error messages like this:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}}, ::Base.RefValue{DataType})
Basically, my question seems to be: How do I instantiate a pointer to an opaque type in order to send it into the ccall?
All the best,