I’ve been trying to get the same thing working. I think you’re better off setting it up as a project.
I’m not really sure if this setup is ideal, but it at least works.
First create your project.
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.generate("MyProj")'
cd MyProj
You’ll need to setup a precompile script (see here for details on precompiling). Unfortunately you can’t really run your main script as your precompile script since ArgParse errors out when passed invalid arguments. So you either need to not run parse_args
or create some sort of noop command.
So your main app function will look something like this.
module MyProj
export run
using ArgParse
function run(parseargs::Bool)
s = ArgParseSettings()
@add_arg_table s begin
help = "a positional argument"
required = true
# don't run parse_args when precompiling.
# alternatively you could just create a noop command
# and pass ARGS to the run function.
if !parseargs
args = parse_args(ARGS, s)
end # module
using MyProj
Now you just create the precompile and sysimage creation scripts.
using MyProj
MyProj.run(false) # same as app.jl but does not run parse_args()
using PackageCompiler
using Pkg
create_sysimage([:ArgParse, :MyProj];
precompile_execution_file=joinpath(@__DIR__, "precompile.jl")
Then to setup the sysimage run the script.
julia scripts/create_image.jl
And then you can run your program
time julia --project=@. -JMyProj.so app.jl arg1 -h
real 0m0.640s
user 0m0.770s
sys 0m0.110s
See here a complete example.