I’m trying to change the figure below to make the red and green squares in the labels box smaller (and, as a side effect, make the label box smaller, such that it doesn’t overlap with the circles).
How can I achieve that?
The figure is already at the precise size I want it to be.
As a workaround I could change the figure size, fonts, and linewidth sizes and rescale back to the size I wanted it to be, but I’d like to know how to properly do it.
The labels are created simply using the label
keyword in the poly!
The relevant part of the script is:
plt.poly!(ax,Circle(Point2f(xc, yc), dc), color = (:red,0.5), transparency = true, label="Δ = 2*dc")
plt.poly!(ax,Circle(Point2f(xc, yc), 2*dc), color = (:green,0.5), transparency = true, label="Δ = 4*dc")
Is there a simple setting for that? Or do I need to create a new “Label box” from scratch in order to do that?