I have a struct
struct HalfIntArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray} <: AbstractHalfIntegerArray{T,N}
parent :: A
offsets :: NTuple{N,HalfInt}
for which I have two different sets of constructors:
docstring 1
HalfIntArray(A::AbstractArray, indices::AbstractUnitRange...)
docstring 2
HalfIntArray{T}(init, indices::AbstractUnitRange...)
I am trying to document both the constructors. The two docstrings work correctly in the REPL’s help mode, but I’m struggling to combine the docstrings using Documenter
into one box. I have tried
but this only adds the first docstring. If I explicitly try to add the second using
I obtain a warning about duplicate entries. Any help?
Btw this is my first time using Documenter
so it’s quite possible that I am missing something obvious.