How to lock variables in @threads

Generally, it is best to avoid intercore communication as much as possible. Apart from performance/scaling, this is to protect your sanity: Concurrent execution is hard to reason about; much easier to just have non-interacting parts.

The Threads.@threads macro is unfortunately very terrible, and I really recommend against using it for things that are not one-off scripts. It makes applications like yours a chore, it does not compose (if there is opportunity for parallelism inside of doMyStuff or outside of tuneParameters!), and it gives completely incorrect intuitions about what is going on. Furthermore you always risk inadvertently hammering your intercore communication by having separate threads accumulate into separate slots in an array that share a cacheline (cf eg Random number and parallel execution - #19 by foobar_lv2).

Base offers the much better @spawn:

import Distributed
using BenchmarkTools
par1 = rand(Int64, 1000)
par2 = rand(1000)

doMyStuff(par1,par2) = abs(0-(-par1^3+par1^2+par1+par2^3-par2^2+par2+10))
       function tuneParametersB(par1,par2)

       todo = Task[]
       for ran in Distributed.splitrange(1, length(par1), Threads.nthreads())
       t = Threads.@spawn begin 
       let be = Inf64, bp1=-1, bp2=-1.0
       @inbounds for i in ran
       pi = par1[i]
       for pj in par2
       res = doMyStuff(pi,pj)
       if res < be be, bp1, bp2 = res, pi, pj end
       (be, bp1, bp2)
       end end#spawn
       push!(todo, t)
       be, bp1, bp2 = (Inf64, -1, -1.0)
       for t in todo
       be_, bp1_, bp2_ = fetch(t)
       if(be_ < be) be, bp1, bp2 = be_, bp1_, bp2_ end
       be, bp1, bp2

@btime tuneParametersB(par1,par2)

Alternatively, you can use a library for parallel mapreduce, as previous posters recommended; or you can use Threads.@threads to multithread over the presplit ranges (in real life the code would not look as ugly, I just copy-pasted from the repl)

(the Treads.@threads macro predates the fancy new multithreading support, that’s why it’s so terrible compared to the new task-based parallelism)