I’m trying to indicate a specific path to find_library(). Based on the doc, find_library()
Searches for the first library in names in the paths in the locations list, DL_LOAD_PATH, or system library paths (in that order) which can successfully be dlopen’d`
My library foo.dll is located at \library\ unfortunately, I don’t know how to specify it !
1st try : Set the location inside find_library()
const _LIB = find_library("foo.dll", raw"\library")` gave me the following error :
MethodError: no method matching joinpath(::Char, ::String) Closest candidates are: joinpath(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString...)
2nd Try : Set DL_LOAD_PATH
DL_LOAD_PATH = raw"../library" (or `DL_LOAD_PATH = raw"/library`) but then : `_LIB==""`
NB : The dll is readable : actually, my code can find it if i place it in my windows path, but i would like to make something more portable)
Could you try find_library(joinpath(DL_LOAD_PATH, "Bid.dll"))? IIRC, the second argument of find_library should be a Vector, so this might also work: find_library("Bid.dll", [DL_LOAD_PATH])