I have a problem, that xticks and xtick labels almost overlap if the ticks face outwards. (It is probably because my xtick labels are like \frac{\pi k}{N}).

How do I increase the padding between the xticks and xtick labels?
I am using Plots with GR backend.
Prepending a carriage return to the xlabel
argument string, leaves a blank line in-between the ticks and the label.
For example, xlabel="\nX axis"
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In Makie, the xticklabelpad Axis attribute controls the space between xticks and xticklabels. Not sure how to do it with Plots with the GR backend 
For finer control of the spacing, we can first plot an empty line label with plots() keyword argument xlabel="\n"
and then annotate outside the plot using the plot units:
annotate!([π/2],[-0.2], text("X axis", 11, "Computer Modern"))
to get: