Hi, I was trying to use Flux.DataLoader
with following code:
X1 = rand(85761, 8, 24); X2 = rand(85761, 8, 1); y_1 = rand(85761, 8, 1); emb = rand(85761, 1)
train_loader = Flux.DataLoader((X1=X1, emb=emb, X2=X2, y_1=y_1, ), batchsize=500, shuffle=true);
but I got following warning:
DimensionMismatch("All data inputs should have the same number of observations, i.e. size in the last dimension. But data[:X1] (85761×8×24 Array{Float64, 3}) has 24, while data[:emb] (85761×1 Matrix{Float64}) has 1.")
I wonder why the number of data points is determined by last dimension instead of first dimension? And how should I deal with my data in this case (swap dimension 1 and 3, or rotate dimension (1,2,3) → (2, 3,1)?
Thank you!