Is it possible to get the graphical solution of the x1 and x2 result of this problem using the Pyplot package?
using JuMP, Cbc
using PyPlot
Test1 = Model(solver = CbcSolver())
@variable(Test1, x1 >= 0)
@variable(Test1, x2 >= 0)
@objective(Test1, Max, 4x1 + 3x2)
@constraint(Test1, 5x1 + 3x2 <= 22)
@constraint(Test1, 2x1 + 2x2 <= 11)
println("The optimization problem to be solved is:")
status = solve(Test1)
println("Objective value: ", getObjectiveValue(Test1))
println("x1 = ", getValue(x1))
println("x2 = ", getValue(x2))