I want to retrieve the parameter of a parametric type of an object.
There are already several discussion on this, here or on SO, but I don’t want to look up at the object fields, as this would be application-specific, it is deep in my real case and it could change in the future.
So far this works:
julia> struct Foo{T}
julia> a = Foo(2.2)
julia> b = Foo(2)
julia> get_parametric_type(a::Foo{T}) where { T }= return T
get_parametric_type (generic function with 1 method)
julia> get_parametric_type(b)
But how do I generalise the function to all parametric types with a single parameter ? For example
julia> struct Goo{T}
julia> c = Goo(1,1)
Goo{Int64}(1, 1)
julia> get_parameteric_type(c)
ERROR: UndefVarError: get_parameteric_type not defined
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[8]:1
(and as we are here, not really need now, but could be useful, how to get all the parameters of an object foo::XXX{T1,T2,T3}
→ (T1,T2,T3)
? )
EDIT: I see that the answer on the old thread on SO still works:
get_parameteric_types(obj) = typeof(obj).parameters
but it feels a bit a hacky, as it uses internals of Julia, still l don’t think that this is going to change soon