I have a MIP in which I add cuts in a user callback (using JuMP 0.18.5, CPLEX 0.5, MathProgBase 0.7.7). I would like to retrieve the LP bound in the current node of the B&B tree, e.g., by doing something like CPXgetcallbacknodeobjval().
In the documentation of MathProgBase I only found cbgetlpsolution which returns a vector of the current variable values, or cbgetbestbound which returns the objective value of the best remaining node by calling CPX_CALLBACK_INFO_BEST_REMAINING.
Did I miss something in the documentation? Do you have any other suggestions how to get the bound?
I’m not sure if there is a good solution. You could compute it from the LP solution.
We’ve had a lot of issues about missing specific functionality in the callbacks, which is one reason that they are missing from JuMP 0.19 until we can figure out a better solution.
Thank you, I also thought about just computing it, which is hopefully not too costly.
I also thought about manually calling the function I need, but I do not really know how. Essentially CplexSolverInterface.jl does the same. So assuming that cb::CPLEX.CplexCutCallbackData would not it be possible to call something like the following in the callback