Is there a “one-click” function to get all variable values? And copy them to their original variable names
I used to be a MATLAB/Yalmip user, in matlab, I can use this m-file to achieve the target above, as follows:
res = whos;
[nn, mm] = size(res);
for ii = 1:nn
if strcmp(res(ii).class, 'sdpvar') || strcmp(res(ii).class, 'ndsdpvar')
vars = res(ii).name;
eval([vars, '=', 'value(', vars ,');']);
clear vars
if JuMP.jl do not have this “one-click” function, who can tell me how to obtain the variables in the current workspace (Julia pro), like whos in MATLAB.
Having a vector instead of x1, x2,… as suggested by @odow is likely better, but if for any reason you want to keep the same model structure as you have, you can (thanks to Julia metaprogramming capabilities) programmatically build the variable names and the for loop…
Using vectors to create decision variables is a good idea, However, I may give a bad example.
In my mode, I want to obtain the value of all variables with completely different and irregular name.
This code can indeed get the value of all variables, but it seems that it cannot replace the variable with the value of the variable, that is, the original name assigned to the variable
Hi all,
I may found the solutions. Thanks @odow for the tips!
This seems to be an inefficient method, but it is indeed effective for my code.
if anyone has a better way, please let me know, thanks!
I guess there may be a better way, but limited by my English level, it is difficult for me to search for a solution to my problem on Google.
dvar_string = string(keys(object_dictionary(model)))
# OUTPUT: dvar_string = "[:x, :y, :z, :p, :q,...]"
dvar = []
for i in 1:length(dvar_string)
if dvar_string[i] == ':'
I = i + 1
for j = I:length(dvar_string)
if dvar_string[j] == ','
J = j-1
push!(dvar, dvar_string[I:J])
for k in dvar
eval(Meta.parse(k * "=value.(" * k * ")"))
You can also write it in a separate file, like : getAllJuMPValue.jl
and call this .jl-file after optimize!(model), as follows:
x = value.(x)
y = value.(y)
z = value.(z)
p = value.(p)
q = value.(q)
This is especially useful when there are many decision variables, and the decision variables are increased or decreased during the programming process for debugging.