What’s the best way to do the following:
Generate a new package to be used as a module by the end user or other packages, in some public registry. I don’t need v0.6 compatibility. It probably won’t be made public for several days or weeks. Possiblities:
- In v0.7-beta do
(v0.7) pkg> generate MyMod
Generating project MyMod:
I get a uuid in the Project.toml
, which is comforting. Trying using MyMod
anywhere other than the current directory throws an error. I’m sure there is an easy way to solve this.
- In v0.6.3 do
julia> PkgDev.generate("MyMod", "MIT")
Info: Initializing MyMod repo: /home/lapeyre/.julia/v0.6/MyMod
Info: Origin: https://github.com/jlapeyre/MyMod.jl.git
Info: Generating LICENSE.md
Info: Generating README.md
Info: Generating src/MyMod.jl
Info: Generating test/runtests.jl
Info: Generating REQUIRE
Info: Generating .gitignore
Info: Generating .travis.yml
Info: Generating appveyor.yml
Info: Generating .codecov.yml
Info: Committing MyMod generated files
Look at all the useful files I get ! Then,
shell> mkdir ~/.julia/mydev
shell> cp -a ~/.julia/v0.6/MyMod/ ~/.julia/mydev
Then again in v0.6
julia> Pkg.rm("MyMod");
(v0.7) pkg> dev ~/.julia/mydev/MyMod
┌ Warning: packages will need to have a [Julia]Project.toml file in the future
└ @ Pkg.Types Types.jl:578
[ Info: Assigning UUID 62a62a1c-8078-11e8-34fd-c32091553eb2 to MyMod
Resolving package versions...
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v0.7/Project.toml`
[62a62a1c] + MyMod v0.0.0 [`~/.julia/mydev/MyMod`]
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v0.7/Manifest.toml`
[62a62a1c] + MyMod v0.0.0 [`~/.julia/mydev/MyMod`]
Entries are made in Project.toml
and Manifest.toml
so that I can immediately do using MyMod
together with all the other packages.
Don’t worry, because it won’t be made public for a while, and things will be much more developed and clear by then. Maybe use option 2, just because I can
the package immediately, use CI services, and I won’t forget where it is. Well, I will, but it will be easier to find. -
… ?