I need to use the package MixedModels.jl for regression with random effects.
I’ve created the following toy example.
using DataFrames, MixedModels, StatsBase, Distributions, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
x1 = repeat(1:N, outer=N);
x2 = repeat(1:N, inner=N);
x3 = sqrt.(1:N^2);
gg = repeat(1:5,inner=trunc(Int,N^2/5));
y = 1 .- 2*x1 + 3*x2 + 0.5*x1.*x2 + rand(N^2) + x3.*rand(N^2);
data = DataFrame(x1=x1, x2=x2, x3=x3, x1x2=x1x2, y=y,gg=gg)
categorical!(data, :gg);
It can be fit with this command:
fit(LinearMixedModel, @formula(y ~x1+x2+x3+x1&x2 + (1|gg)), data)
julia> fit(LinearMixedModel, @formula(y ~x1+x2+x3+x1&x2 + (1|gg)), data)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
Formula: y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1 & x2 + (1 | gg)
logLik -2 logLik AIC BIC
-9.34933576×10³ 1.86986715×10⁴ 1.87126715×10⁴ 1.87534398×10⁴
Variance components:
Column Variance Std.Dev.
gg (Intercept) 0.000000 0.000000
Residual 103.709274 10.183775
Number of obs: 2500; levels of grouping factors: 5
Fixed-effects parameters:
Estimate Std.Error z value P(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.03282 1.33776 1.51957 0.1286
x1 -2.01012 0.0288441 -69.6893 <1e-99
x2 3.09139 0.0766062 40.3543 <1e-99
x3 0.440691 0.086853 5.07399 <1e-6
x1 & x2 0.499277 0.000980049 509.441 <1e-99
But I need it to use the REML method instead of the maximum likelihood method. How can I tell it to do it?
On R’s lme4 you can switch between these methods with the option REML=TRUE or FALSE, but I can’t find anything like that on MixedModels docs.
Another simpler question, do I need to load all this packages: DataFrames, MixedModels, StatsBase, Distributions, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays?
I’ve seen it at some examples but I don’t know it they are all needed for this simple examples (or logit regression) or they would be automatically loaded by MixedModels.jl.