How do I filter out missings when working with DataFramesMeta? For context, my background is R/Python, and in R I use the tidyverse/dplyr/etc. heavily.
I want to do:
@linq indeed_dice_data |>
transform(mean_subdomain_all_freq_sma = mean(skipmissing([:subdomain_all_freq_sma, :subdomain_all_freq_sma_1]))) |>
where(!ismissing.(:mean_subdomain_all_freq_sma)) |>
select(:subdomain, :floor_month_date, :mean_subdomain_all_freq_sma)
But that doesn’t work… In R/dplyr it’d just be a filter(!, so I’m curious how to do this simple operation in Julia. Still trying to figure out how to map everything I do in R to Julia, and I’m aware this is probably an uber easy question for most of you.
Thanks in advance!