How to easily save Julia data?

Hi guys,
I am wondering is there a way like pickle in python to save the output data from Julia calculations? maybe it can support arrays, dict, tuples? for example, if I have a dict of which each key stores a different dataframe (columns rows are different), then how can I save it? and then how to load it? (if the method is compatible with python, then it would be much more better!)

Here is my example

julia> sensitivity_results
Dict{Any, Any} with 230 entries:
  "pWaterRootHalfLoss_transpiration"         => 1Γ—4 DataFrame…
  "ΞΊ_total_plant_water_content"              => 1Γ—4 DataFrame…
julia> sensitivity_results["pWaterRootHalfLoss_transpiration"]
1Γ—4 DataFrame
 Row β”‚ sensitivity_mean  sensitivity_std  sensitivity_daily  sensitivity_seasonal 
     β”‚ Float64           Float64          Float64            Float64              
   1 β”‚      0.000450049      0.000635199        0.000538933           0.000614739
julia> sensitivity_results["ΞΊ_total_plant_water_content"]
1Γ—4 DataFrame
 Row β”‚ sensitivity_mean  sensitivity_std  sensitivity_daily  sensitivity_seasonal 
     β”‚ Float64           Float64          Float64            Float64              
   1 β”‚        -0.131991        -0.148735          -0.146674             -0.148216


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In my experience JLD2.jl is equivalent to the pickle module in python. To get python compatible objects you can save tabular data with Arrow.jl or simply write a CSV.


While I would also suggest JLD2.jl to save Julia data, the equivalent to the pickle module of Python is Serialization Β· The Julia Language , which is part of Julia and does not require an extra package. You still need to write using Serialization at the top of your file, though.


BSON.jl and JLSO.jl also work quite well. You can save complete structs and just need to import the corresponding module when you want to deserialize it.


Serialization is the most convenient one.

Well, all solutions have advantages and disadvantages. Look at:

  • backwards compatibility (can a new version read data written by an old version)
  • do you just want to save just numbers and strings, or more complex - perhaps even Julia specific - data structures
  • performance (read, write and package load time)
  • file size
  • shall the data format be standardized, shall it be possible to read and write it in other programming languages or on computers with a different CPU architecture

If you know all of that, then you can choose the best solution for your use case.