I would like to draw a network to visualize a transition matrix. I was wondering if there is a package somewhere that automatically generates a directed graph from a transition matrix. Here is an example of what I am aiming for:
Thank you for your reply. SimpleWeightedDigraph was exactly what I needed.
I am having trouble adapting this example to add weights to the edges. Can you please tell me what I am doing in correctly?
using SimpleWeightedGraphs, Graphs
using Plots, GraphRecipes
m = [0.8 0.2; 0.1 0.9]
g = SimpleWeightedDiGraph(m)
edge_label = Dict((i,j) => string(m[i,j]) for i in 1:size(m, 1), j in 1:size(m, 2))
graphplot(g; names = 1:length(m), edge_label)
I mistyped the keyword as edge_labels instead of edge_label. I corrected the error above and will mark this as a solution. Thank you for your help.