What is a good way to document an enum?
I currently do this:
Model `VSM` `LLT`
Enumeration of the implemented model types.
# Elements
- VSM: Vortex Step Method
- LLT: Lifting Line Theory
@enum Model VSM LLT
Is there a better way?
What is a good way to document an enum?
I currently do this:
Model `VSM` `LLT`
Enumeration of the implemented model types.
# Elements
- VSM: Vortex Step Method
- LLT: Lifting Line Theory
@enum Model VSM LLT
Is there a better way?
I do a primary docstring like you have, but also a short docstring for each variant so that ?VSM
tells me what it is
@doc """
Vortex Step Method.
See also [`Model`](@ref).
""" VSM
@doc """
Lifting Line Theory.
See also [`Model`](@ref).
""" LLT