How to distinguish between "found" and "not found" in `findfirst(dict)`? E.g.:```

How to distinguish between “found” and “not found” in findfirst(dict)? E.g.:

d = Dict(nothing => 1, 2 => 3)
findfirst(==(3), d)  # == 2, ok: d[2] == 3
findfirst(==(1), d)  # == nothing, ok: d[nothing] = 1
findfirst(==(2), d)  # == nothing, but actually not found

For now I do an extra check that f(d[findfirst(f, d)]) == true, but this doesn’t look clean…

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I guess you could write your own findfirst method that allows you to specify the “not found” return value.

Maybe something like:

function myfindfirst(pred::Function, A, notfound=nothing)
    for (k, v) in pairs(A)
        pred(v) && return k
    return notfound
d = Dict(nothing=>1, 2=>3)
myfindfirst(==(3), d, :notfound) # 2
myfindfirst(==(1), d, :notfound) # nothing
myfindfirst(==(2), d, :notfound) # :notfound