Basically, if [-1,1 ,0 ,0] is the column, then [1,-1,0,0] is called its reflection (and vice versa). What I want is… reflection, if at all present in the original matrix b to be deleted from the matrix while retaining the original column vector. Can we generalize this?
@views function remove_reflections(b)
n = size(b,2)
ix_drop = falses(n)
for i = 1:n-1
ix = i+1:n
ix_drop[ix] .|= (Ref(-b[:,i]) .== eachcol(b[:,ix]))
return b[:, .!ix_drop]
It book keeps in the bitvector ix_drop the columns that are reflections of the column being analyzed in the loop. It does bitwise or not to erase (and to add) to previous entries.
i think this works as a solution, but I will try to test more with other matrices(btw, input is incidence matrix from a directional graph, so -1,1,0 are the entries in such matrix)
@views b[:, [i==1 || b[:,i] != -b[:,i-1] for i in 1:size(b,2)]]
@views b[:, [true; eachcol(b[:, 2:end]) .!= .-eachcol(b[:, 1:end-1])]]
@views b[:, [true
map((c,prev) -> c != -prev, eachcol(b[:,2:end]), eachcol(b))]]
@views foldl(eachcol(b[:,2:end]), init=b[:,1]) do M, c
c == -M[:,end] ? M : [M c]
I think mostly by spending time here while procrastinating… But initially I put some time in reading the manual A-Z and experimenting with the concepts in each page.
I’m not in the best position to give advice because I’m really a beginner, but as a general rule, a good way to learn is to try to do small, useful personal projects, reading the manual and checking the forums for solutions and asking for help when you get stuck.