Here is simplest example of the problem I am facing. I want to explicitly say that argument b is of type Bool. I have gone through the document but I can’t figure out my mistake.
Keyword arguments don’t necessarily dispatch like you think they would. There is a pull request for it.
I think the confusion is somewhere else here.
First of all, in your example you do correctly specify that b
should be of type Bool
. However, you define b
as a keyword argument, and consequently it needs to be specified as such
julia> function f(a; b::Bool=true)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(4, b=false)
julia> f(4, b=3)
ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Int64) used in boolean context
in (::#kw##f)(::Array{Any,1}, ::#f, ::Int64) at ./<missing>:0
Currently Julia does not behave like R in that regard, so if you want to specify b
as a positional parameter as well as a keyword argument you need to specify an additional method
julia> f(4, false)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Int64, ::Bool)
Closest candidates are:
f(::Any; b) at REPL[1]:2
julia> function f(a, b::Bool)
f (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> f(4, false)
julia> f(4, 3)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Int64, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
f(::Any; b) at REPL[47]:2
f(::Any, ::Bool) at REPL[50]:2
Got it! Thanks for the help
You can also provide a default value for non-keyword arguments, in which case Julia will automatically generate 2 methods:
julia> function f(a, b::Bool=true)
f (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> f(42)
julia> f(42, false)
julia> methods(f)
# 2 methods for generic function "f":
f(a) in Main at REPL[1]:2
f(a, b::Bool) in Main at REPL[1]:2
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