The best solution is to write everything into functions:
julia> function f()
n1 = 0
for i in 1:10
n1 += 1
f (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> f()
Then pass A, m, X0, Y0, E0, as parameters to that function. That not only avoids the scoping problem, but is fundamental for the performance of the code. See: Performance Tips · The Julia Language
(not using global variables is the first tip and the most fundamental rule that is needed to start getting Julia code to run fast)
ps: there are other Julia anti-patterns in that code. If you provide an actual running example, with the expected output, we can give you better advice in general.
For example:
A[n1,:] = [X0[i,j] Y0[i,j] E0[i,j]];
This is allocating a new (1,3) matrix on the right, which can be improved just by using a tuple () instead of a vector [], but also you are running over the last dimension first, which is slower, because Julia is column-major. I’m not sure if performance is important in this specific case, but on the long run it is good to get the feeling of these ideas.