How to define a numerical value in Julia?

I keep getting the below error:
LoadError: UndefVarError: n1 not defined

for my below code:

n1 = 0;
for i in 1:m[1], j in 1:m[2]
        n1 += 1;
        A[n1,:] = [X0[i,j] Y0[i,j] E0[i,j]];

Hasn’t my “n1=0;” defined n1? Anyone has any clue? Thanks!

It is a scoping problem. Read this: Scope of loops · JuliaNotes.jl

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Many thanks. So what is the best fix? The below? Coming from Matlab, I think this is so weird!

n1 = 0;
for i in 1:m[1], j in 1:m[2]
        global n1;
        n1 += 1;
        A[n1,:] = [X0[i,j] Y0[i,j] E0[i,j]];

The best solution is to write everything into functions:

julia> function f()
           n1 = 0
           for i in 1:10
               n1 += 1
f (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> f()

Then pass A, m, X0, Y0, E0, as parameters to that function. That not only avoids the scoping problem, but is fundamental for the performance of the code. See: Performance Tips · The Julia Language

(not using global variables is the first tip and the most fundamental rule that is needed to start getting Julia code to run fast)


ps: there are other Julia anti-patterns in that code. If you provide an actual running example, with the expected output, we can give you better advice in general.

For example:

A[n1,:] = [X0[i,j] Y0[i,j] E0[i,j]];

This is allocating a new (1,3) matrix on the right, which can be improved just by using a tuple () instead of a vector [], but also you are running over the last dimension first, which is slower, because Julia is column-major. I’m not sure if performance is important in this specific case, but on the long run it is good to get the feeling of these ideas.


Maybe pertinent to note that this comment also applies to matlab code.

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