I am currently working to implement new sparse matrix formats for faster matrix-vector products. I want to preserve some features of the current CSR implementation in Julia. In particular, I would like to define functions and structs whose data have variable types, i.e., Tv
and Ti
In particular, I looked at this old piece of Julia code from SparseMatrices with the following signature:
function csr2csc{Tv,Ti}(indptr::Vector{Ti}, indval::Vector{Ti}, nzval::Vector{Tv}, m::Int, n::Int)
Similarly, I try to define the following function:
function test{Ti}(x::Vector{Ti})
return sum(x)
However, when I run this code, I get the error UndefVarError: Ti not defined
. So I wonder how to define functions like csr2csc
given above with variable types Tv
and Ti