Recently, when I develop, the process output nothing. Then with using @show
I found bug in the code of task(coroutine).
Does anyone knows if there be some tools or methods to debug in coroutine(task)?
It may be that @show is what triggers the task to display its result.
You might also be able to achieve the same thing with wait(t)
Thanks for your answer!
May be I described not clear enough.
I mean,
I wrote the program with Juilalang.
And it have one routine, being started with @async
It run, but without correct output.
Finally, with @show
, I debugged it, step by step.
Is there other tools or methods, to debug program like this easier?
Thanks again!
Ah, I understand.
If you are using VS-Code, perhaps you can use the debugger? Documentation is here: Debugging · Julia in VS Code
It looks as if the debugger does not work inside async tasks, based on this issue:
Is there a way you could extract your code into a function, and then call the function normally (without async) to use the debugger?
Debugging tasks can be quite challenging. I used to have this prototype project where the tasks, spawned a task which spawned a task. It was a bad design, but for purposes to get it done, I found that redefining the @async
macro like:
import Base.sync_varname
import Base.@async
macro async(expr)
tryexpr = quote
catch err
@warn "error within async" exception=err # line $(__source__.line):
@show stacktrace(catch_backtrace())
thunk = esc(:(()->($tryexpr)))
var = esc(sync_varname)
local task = Task($thunk)
if $(Expr(:isdefined, var))
push!($var, task)
works quite well while debugging.
From my limited experience, and this really is a matter of opinion, a good strategy is also to test the spawned function separately. To do that, it helps to use channels for IO. For instance, reading a string from a socket can be refactored into reading byte string from a Channel
, which is easier to test. In addition to avoiding introducing more tasks, one can subtype AbstractChannel
, and that way insert a code dealing with the IO
Another thing that helps in debugging tasks is reformulating the logic in communicating finite state machines. Something like:
newstate, newmsg = step(state, msg)
works quite well with Julia’s multiple dispatch mechanism. This design also goes hand in hand with the ability to notify condition condition = Threads.Condition()
with a value like:
notify(condition, state)
enabling to debug the code within the task without using the @show
Thank you very much!
Thank you! You are the first julia master I have communicated with.