module X
export MM
struct MM
using X
Base.@pure get_module(::Type{T}) where T =
macro mod_check(sym)
amod = get_module(Type(sym))
@mod_check MM
My problem is to create a type from Symbol in the macro?
How can i do that?
Macros are called at compile-time. Functions are compiled once with only the types of the arguments known at compile-time, not the values. The global scope would have the values. So if what you’re evaling is based on the values of things, I would expect this to fail if you put it in a function. Things like that will trip you up. You really should only use macros to generate expressions, and use functions to return values.
I am developing a trait system where i parse some super traits(more than one), here is an example:
@mixin MyMixin{T,N}(ST2,ST3) <: ST1
#stuff goes here
I look up info for super traits like ST1 from a toptable which makes addressing using module info and then the name of the type. You can think of it as:
toptable[MODULE][NAME] , eg: toptable[XX][ST1]
In the mixin macro, i need to have access to the module where ST1 is defined. That’s why.
Returning a value is for the sake of a simple example, i am using the value in mixin macro.