I am running the average marginal effects in Julia using the Effects package. My aim is to see how weight change between men and women at different ages. As you can see in the output below, it runs the average marginal effects for each age for man and women. However, I would like to take a range of the age variable and not take each year on itself alone. For example I would like to have the age range of 0:5, 5:10, 10:15 and so on. This has to be done after the regression model is run and not beforehand. I tried to work it on my own, but I am not fluent enough in Julia.
So the only line that needs to be rectified is the following:
d1 = Dict(:sex => ["male","female"],:age => [0:5; 6:20])
Here is the code:
using DataFrames, Effects, GLM, StatsModels, StableRNGs
rng = StableRNG(42)
growthdata = DataFrame(; age=[13:20; 13:20],
sex=repeat(["male", "female"], inner=8),
weight=[range(100, 155; length=8); range(100, 125; length=8)] .+ randn(rng, 16))
mod_uncentered = lm(@formula(weight ~ 1 + sex * age), growthdata)
d1 = Dict(:sex => ["male","female"],:age => [0:5; 6:20])
ave = effects(d1, mod_uncentered)
sex age weight err lower upper
String Int64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 male 0 0.287822 2.88762 -2.5998 3.17545
2 female 0 56.4387 2.88762 53.5511 59.3263
3 male 1 8.00869 2.71603 5.29266 10.7247
4 female 1 59.8481 2.71603 57.1321 62.5641
5 male 2 15.7296 2.54468 13.1849 18.2742
6 female 2 63.2575 2.54468 60.7128 65.8022
7 male 3 23.4504 2.37361 21.0768 25.824
8 female 3 66.6669 2.37361 64.2933 69.0405
9 male 4 31.1713 2.2029 28.9684 33.3742
10 female 4 70.0763 2.2029 67.8734 72.2792
11 male 5 38.8922 2.03264 36.8595 40.9248
12 female 5 73.4857 2.03264 71.4531 75.5184
13 male 6 46.613 1.86295 44.7501 48.476
14 female 6 76.8951 1.86295 75.0322 78.7581
15 male 7 54.3339 1.69399 52.6399 56.0279
16 female 7 80.3046 1.69399 78.6106 81.9985
17 male 8 62.0548 1.52602 60.5288 63.5808
18 female 8 83.714 1.52602 82.1879 85.24
19 male 9 69.7756 1.3594 68.4162 71.135
20 female 9 87.1234 1.3594 85.764 88.4828
21 male 10 77.4965 1.19469 76.3018 78.6912
22 female 10 90.5328 1.19469 89.3381 91.7275
23 male 11 85.2174 1.03282 84.1846 86.2502
24 female 11 93.9422 1.03282 92.9094 94.975
25 male 12 92.9383 0.875345 92.0629 93.8136
26 female 12 97.3516 0.875345 96.4762 98.2269
27 male 13 100.659 0.72515 99.934 101.384
28 female 13 100.761 0.72515 100.036 101.486
29 male 14 108.38 0.587838 107.792 108.968
30 female 14 104.17 0.587838 103.583 1