is there a way to make a range(-max, max, step=n)
that is guaranteed to go through zero?, i.e. I want it to be symmetrical/centered around zero
From @briochemc on Slack
make a struct
struct SymmetricRange{A,B}
and define everything you need on it? E.g.,
Base.collect(r::SymmetricRange) = [reverse(collect(range(0, -r.max, step=-r.step)))[1:end-1]; collect(range(0, r.max, step=r.step))]
julia> collect(SymmetricRange(1, 0.32))
7-element Vector{Float64}:
From @Sukera:
also iterate
and you should be set
won’t even need to roll your own collect
then and it’ll work in loops just as well
I would not recommend the solutions already given but instead just create a function that returns a carefully assembled range -max:step:max
that has such guarantee (i.e., by slightly changing both -max
and max
). Of course, if you need to deal with floating point numbers this may be a problem.
Why not range(-x, x, length=some_odd_number)
? A few quick loops shows it seems to work pretty consistently, but floating point is wild and I don’t trust it fully. How important is the exact zero? How important are the endpoints? How important is the step size? You’re not going to be able to hit all of those requirements exactly no matter what you do.
@mbauman because step
is a Real
number. Maybe I should have written that step=dx
instead of n
Yeah, so recompute it to the equivalent length? Again, this gets to your requirements: it’s impossible to answer this question without knowing how exactly you want to hit endpoints, zero, and the step itself.
In MATLAB people do this:
x = [-1*fliplr(dx:dx:max), 0:dx:max];
Which I could do in Julia.e.g.
mysymrange(max, dx) = vcat(range(0,-max,step=-dx) |> reverse, range(0, max, step=dx))
… and get over with, but I would like to have a range
julia> mysymrange(1.1, 0.2)
12-element Vector{Float64}:
I think if you want (i) an exact zero (ii) working with floating points and (iii) not allocating more memory than necessary then the solution with a custom struct
implementing iterate
is, in fact, the best one. Maybe inherit AbstractRange
@Henrique_Becker I thought so
You may be interested in using StepRangeLen
help?> StepRangeLen
search: StepRangeLen StepRange
StepRangeLen{T,R,S}(ref::R, step::S, len, [offset=1]) where {T,R,S}
StepRangeLen( ref::R, step::S, len, [offset=1]) where { R,S}
A range r where r[i] produces values of type T (in the second form, T is deduced automatically), parameterized by a
reference value, a step, and the length. By default ref is the starting value r[1], but alternatively you can supply
it as the value of r[offset] for some other index 1 <= offset <= len. In conjunction with TwicePrecision this can be
used to implement ranges that are free of roundoff error.
julia> StepRangeLen(0, 0.35353, 11, 6)
julia> collect(StepRangeLen(0, 0.35353, 11, 6))
11-element Vector{Float64}:
Set the reference point to 0
and set the offset to be the middle of your range.
I think it ought to be possible to re-use StepRangeLen
for this, with a new constructor. Here’s a naiive one which takes a given step, and (if I understood it right) it measures distances from zero here (not by adding to one end) so should hit that exactly:
julia> function zed(step, length)
isodd(length) || error()
StepRangeLen(zero(step), step, length, 1 + lengthĂ·2)
julia> zed(1/3, 7) |> collect
7-element Vector{Float64}:
A constructor to always hit a given max
exactly would probably need similar TwicePrecision tricks to what Base uses.
(Edit: scooped by @mkitti!)
Edit: It looks like range(-m, m; length)
often produces exactly this, with ref == 0.0
and offset == (length+1)/2
julia> m = nextfloat(123e123);
julia> range(-m, m, length=10^6 + 1) |> dump
StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}
ref: Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}
hi: Float64 0.0
lo: Float64 0.0
step: Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}
hi: Float64 2.459999999995291e119
lo: Float64 4.7094854703847126e107
len: Int64 1000001
offset: Int64 500001
But not always, here’s an example:
julia> m = 1.2057884f13; n = 105; r = range(-m, m, length=n)
julia> r.ref, r.offset
(1.0, 53)
julia> r[[52, 53, 54]]
3-element Vector{Float32}:
Another way, edited to be in line with requested behavior:
function range0(x, dx)
n = Int(floor(x/dx))
x = 1.1
dx = 0.25
julia> range0(x,dx)
When I saw mcabbott starting to type, I knew I better hurry up and push post.
Hmmm… the problem with StepRangeLen
is that I have to specify the length
which I guess you thought it could me max
but it is not an integer
Just divide the max
by the step
and floor it, double it, and add one. Again, though, you need to carefully consider your requirements that I keep trying to get you to define
I was just asking what is the problem with this:
julia> function srange(dx,xmax)
n = floor(xmax/dx)
smin = -n*dx
smax = n*dx
srange (generic function with 1 method)
julia> collect(srange(0.8,5.6))
13-element Vector{Float64}:
The problem is that we need obey this equation:
max = step * length
and have isinteger(length) == true
We could do something like this, but as you can see it gets really messy very quickly.
julia> function zed_step_max(step::T, max::T) where T
length = max / step
isinteger(length) || error("step does not evenly divide max")
length = Integer(length)*2 + 1
StepRangeLen{T}(zero(step), step, length, 1 + lengthĂ·2)
zed_step_max (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> zed_step_max(0.0001, 0.3535)
ERROR: step does not evenly divide max
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base .\error.jl:33
[2] zed_step_max(step::Float64, max::Float64)
@ Main .\REPL[156]:3
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[157]:1
julia> zed_step_max(0.0001, 0.3536)
julia> 0.3535 / 0.0001
julia> 0.3536 / 0.0001
The problem is IEEE 754 floating point. Clearly though “0.3535” should be divisble by “0.001”, so how do we fix this to make it Just Work™?
To just get the result, we can try to bypass floating point arithmetic by using rationalize
julia> function zed_step_max_rationalize(step::T, max::T) where T
step, max = rationalize.( (step,max) )
length = max / step
isinteger(length) || error("step does not evenly divide max")
length = Integer(length)*2 + 1
StepRangeLen{T}(zero(step), step, length, 1 + lengthĂ·2)
zed_step_max_rationalize (generic function with 1 method)
julia> zed_step_max_rationalize( 0.0001, 0.3535 )
julia> zed_step_max_rationalize( 0.0001, 0.3536 )
julia> r = zed_step_max_rationalize(0.0001, 0.3535)
mid = length(r)Ă·2 + 1
@info "" r[ 1] r[ 2] r[mid-1] r[mid ] r[mid+1] r[end-1] r[end]
┌ Info:
│ r[1] = -0.3535
│ r[2] = -0.3534
│ r[mid - 1] = -0.0001
│ r[mid] = 0.0
│ r[mid + 1] = 0.0001
│ r[end - 1] = 0.3534
â”” r[end] = 0.3535
julia> r = zed_step_max_rationalize(0.0001, 0.3536)
mid = length(r)Ă·2 + 1
@info "" r[ 1] r[ 2] r[mid-1] r[mid ] r[mid+1] r[end-1] r[end]
┌ Info:
│ r[1] = -0.3536
│ r[2] = -0.3535
│ r[mid - 1] = -0.0001
│ r[mid] = 0.0
│ r[mid + 1] = 0.0001
│ r[end - 1] = 0.3535
â”” r[end] = 0.3536
Inspired by @mbauman solution I think that this is my solution.
function srange(dx,xmax)
n = ceil(2*xmax/dx) |> Int
n = isodd(n) ? n : n+1
range(-xmax, xmax, length=n)
Note, though, that won’t always hit zero exactly. Not sure if that’s important.