How to Create a Brackets for certain length in Plots?

Hi all,

I want to create a bracket like this:

Capture d’écran_2022-12-21_13-35-00

I currently use a line and two bars to replace the bracket, I try to use } with rotation and increase the length and it is not working.

this is my code:

using Plots, LaTeXStrings

x = collect(range(0, 4, length= 100))
f(x) = sqrt(4x)
g(x) = (4x - 4)/3

plot(g,-1,4, xtick=-1:1:4, xlims=(-1,4), ylims=(-2,4), 
	label=L"g: 4x - 3y = 4", legend=:topleft)
plot!(f,-1,4, xtick=-1:1:4, xlims=(-1,4), ylims=(-2,4), 
	label=L"f: y^{2} = 4x ", legend=:topleft)

plot!(x, f, fillrange = g, fillalpha = 0.35, c = 1, 
	label = L"f - g = y^{2} - 3y - 4 = 0", legend=:topleft)

plot!([0.42,1.95],[f(0.42),g(1.95)], label="", linecolor=:green)
plot!([0.3,1.8],[f(0.3),g(1.8)], label="", linecolor=:green)

annotate!([(0.27,1.27, (L"△ y", 8, :blue))])
annotate!([(1.95,0.97, (L"y_{i}", 8, :blue))])
annotate!([(2.13,1.17, (L"y_{i+1}", 8, :blue))])

plot!([0.45,1.97],[1.5,1.5], label="", linecolor=:blue)
annotate!(0.45,1.5, Plots.text("|", 10, :blue, rotation = 0 ))
annotate!(1.97,1.5, Plots.text("|", 10, :blue, rotation = 0 ))

annotate!([(1.41,1.7, (L" \frac{3y+4}{4} - \frac{y^{2}}{4}", 6, :blue))])

I am not aware of this functionality in Plots.jl

But, you could write your own curly braces function, to produce something like: