Hi everyone,
I would like to create a 3D network using real coordinates of seismic centers. Without going too much into detail, I have a graph file of edgelists and I laso have the coordinates of the nodes. I am able to 3D plot the vertices with no problem as such:
scatter3(df_filtered_cubes.cubeLongitude, df_filtered_cubes.cubeLatitude, -df_filtered_cubes.cubeDepth,
frame="SEnwZ1+b xafg yafg zafg", proj=:merc, marker=:cube, markerline=:faint, markersize=0.1,
view=(135,20), alpha=30, show=true)
The problem is when I want to connect the vertices in a specific way (given the graph edges). I tried numerous ways to do this but nothing works. I even tried a workaround by plotting recursively each edge, but for some reason, when calling the plot twice, the package does not plot on the same 3D plane, but it plots it 2D, under the original scatter!
Here is how to replicate the issue:
cat > example.txt << EOF
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 0
3 3 1
then in julia
plot3d!("./example.txt", pen=:thinner, savefig="example.png", show=true)
The proper way to do this seems to use the F|conn|connection option for the plot, but I cannot seem to figure out how to properly do this. I found this answer to a similar problem (but the person tries to plot in 2D, which is easier).
If anyone would be able to offer the proper way to pass the connection option for the plot, that would be much appreciated!
Thank you in advance!