imshow() is described as being able to display a video. The example in the documentation is testimage(“mri”). The type of this object is:
As a julia beginner it’s rather difficult for me to parse this type information and infer the correct process for constructing my own video of the correct type.
The (short) video I have is loaded from a file using VideoIO like this:
f = VideoIO.openvideo( VIDEO )
video = []
framecount = 0
while !eof( f )
global framecount
global video
frame = read( f )
push!( video, frame )
framecount += 1
I want to work with it as a single in memory object which (among many other things) I would like to be able to display as a video and maybe step through the frames.
Of course the simple array I’m using is not the AxisArray expected by imshow so how can I get my data into the correct structure ?