What I want to do:
I have an array of intergers that ranges over -3:2
, which I want to plot with heatmap. The difficult part is that I want the 0
to be ploted by some “neutral” color, say grey in the colormap :coolwarm
what I have tried
n = 10
x = 1:n
y = fill(1, n)
cn = rand(-3:2, n)
cnmin, cnmax = minimum(cn), maximum(cn)
colormap1 = cgrad(:coolwarm, 2 * abs(cnmin) + 1, categorical=true)[1:cnmax-cnmin+1]
colormap2 = cgrad(colormap1, cnmax-cnmin+1, categorical=true)
@show length(colormap1)
@show length(colormap2)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
heatmap!(ax, x, y, cn, colormap=colormap1, colorrange=(cnmin, cnmax))
Colorbar(fig[2, 1], colormap=colormap1, ticklabelsize=25,
limits=(cnmin-0.5, cnmax+0.5), ticks=cnmin:cnmax,
vertical=false, flipaxis=false, height=20, width=Relative(0.65), labelsize=40)
Colorbar(fig[3, 1], colormap=colormap2, ticklabelsize=25,
limits=(cnmin-0.5, cnmax+0.5), ticks=cnmin:cnmax,
vertical=false, flipaxis=false, height=20, width=Relative(0.65), labelsize=40)
my questions
- why I have to use
twice to get the real categorical colormap? length(colormap1) == length(colormap2) == 5
, but whencolormap1
is plotted in colormap, they are so different, why?- Is there a better way to do this?