How to compile the julia code into c language?

I have my code in julia language, can I generated a C code for it?

no, but keep an eye on:

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No basically. There was at one point Intel’s Julia2C, but it’s outdated. You can however call Julia code from C.


no, checkout:

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don’t use Modelica or don’t use Julia

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does you Julia code use Julia packages? you need to manually translate most likely

Yes, I am using several Julia packages (plus user-defined ones) like SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays, PlotlyJS, PyPlot, BenchmarkTools, NativeFileDialog, JLD2, CSV, DataFrames, Gtk translating them can be done by this

no, that compiles to executable.

there’s no way to translate, not at this scale (i.e. so many julia packages involved)

Aha, how can I translate my embedded julia packages manually?

Re-implement the functions you used in whatever language supported by the other tool you needed?

I think it will be a pain.

You could write a thin wrapper in C that links libjulia and calls your Julia code.

Can you give me an example or link for doing this?

A quick search led me to this: Calling local Julia package from C - Stack Overflow


I think it’s easier to compile a C-callable interface on the Julia side than to mess around with lots of jl_* functions, for example: I am searching for a C++ code implementing the complex polygamma function - Computational Science Stack Exchange


You said they support Fortran or C, do they mean they support shared library? Or they take Fortran or C code and compile together into their stuff

One doesn’t simply “call a c function”, if by calling you mean like ccall() in Julia, then it’s Fortran or C compiled to a .so shared library, which means you can do the same for Julia, by writing a wrapper as suggested above


I have worked in this today, I found that modelica includes the C function directly into its model, in which the C function is compiled by gcc (embedded in modelica). I am not sure if I can do this for julia also as I could not find that gcc support julia.

Seems pretty limiting if it doesn’t let you link to libraries. That would only let you use C code that is completely self contained, which is not true of most interesting code these days.

Are you sure they don’t allow you to compile things yourself and just provide a shared library to load?


They provide to include a shared library as well. So, I am wondering if I can compile a Julia code to a shared library, so I can include this gendered library such as dll but I am not sure if it will be compatible or not.