How to call cuda functions that are not implemented in CUDA.jl?

If there is a function in CUDA, but have not been implemented in CUDA.jl, is it possible to call that function using ccall?

I am trying it with a call to dgemm ( gemm is available through CUDA.jl, but I want to try a function that’s been implemented to validate the result), using the following script, the return value is CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS, however, I don’t have a way to get the result, and the output indicates that the function didn’t actually succeed.

using LLVM
n = 10000

x = rand(n,n)
y = zeros(n,n)
alpha = rand()

handle = CUBLAS.cublasCreate_v2()

# CUBLAS.handle()
LLVM.@runtime_ccall((:cublasDgemm, CUDA.libcublas()), CUBLAS.cublasStatus_t, (CUBLAS.cublasHandle_t, Char, Char,
                                            Cint, Cint, Cint, 
                                            Cdouble, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cdouble, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint),
                                            handle,  'N','N', n,n,n, alpha, x,x, alpha, y, n)

Here is the output:

# ** On entry to DGEMM  parameter number 1 had an illegal value
# CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS::cublasStatus_t = 0x00000000

The code probably is not correct. Any help are appreciated.


Functions that aren’t wrapped in CUDA.jl are still available through their autogenerated wrappers. So you can just call CUBLAS.cublasDgemm. However, the actual name is cublasDgemm_v2. And that function is being wrapped already, as CUBLAS.gemm! (see wrappers.jl in CUDA.jl/lib/cublas).

EDIT: didn’t read your question properly.

If the returned status is 0, everything was OK; where do you get the other error from?
The ‘result’ here is the fact that this call modifies one of its inputs.

julia> LLVM.@runtime_ccall((:cublasDgemm, CUDA.libcublas()), CUBLAS.cublasStatus_t, (CUBLAS.cublasHandle_t, Char, Char,
                                                   Cint, Cint, Cint, 
                                                   Cdouble, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cdouble, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint),
                                                   handle,  'N','N', n,n,n, alpha, x,x, alpha, y, n)
 ** On entry to DGEMM  parameter number 1 had an illegal value
CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS::cublasStatus_t = 0x00000000

The output just prints on screen after calling the function. I think it’s coming from CUDA, rather than Julia.

I called this function:

julia> @time CUDA.@sync res = CUBLAS.cublasDgemm_v2(handle, 'T', 'N', n,n,n, alpha, x, n, x, n, alpha, y, n)
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Char to an object of type CUDA.CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t
Closest candidates are:
  convert(::Type{T}, ::T) where T at essentials.jl:171
  CUDA.CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t(::Any) where T<:CEnum.Cenum at /home/hu/.julia/packages/CEnum/daZUb/src/operators.jl:19

So how to convert Char to CUDA.CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t ? Thank you much for your reply!

Look at how the existing wrappers do that. On CUDA master that convert method is available, for the version you’re using it’ll be explicit still.

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The util section shows that convert function is overloade, But it shows the same error:

julia> CUDA.convert(CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t, 'T')
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Char to an object of type CUDA.CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t
Closest candidates are:
  convert(::Type{T}, ::T) where T at essentials.jl:171
  CUDA.CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t(::Any) where T<:CEnum.Cenum at /home/xiaoqihu/.julia/packages/CEnum/daZUb/src/operators.jl:19
 [1] top-level scope at REPL[7]:100:

And that works as expected:

julia> convert(CUBLAS.cublasOperation_t, 'T')
CUBLAS_OP_T::cublasOperation_t = 0x00000001

As I said, you need to check for the version of CUDA.jl you’re using. It used to be with a custom function, cublasop, and has been converted to more “Julian” interfaces nowadays. Just look at how CUBLAS.gemm! is implemented.

e.g. on 1.1

Thank you very much @maleadt! yes, the gemm! shows how to do it.