How to autodifferentiate the results of NLsolve?

Addendum: use: u0_ = eltype(p).(u0) instead of u0_ = ones(eltype(p)).*u0

There is also ImplicitDifferentiation.jl which nicely takes care of registering the rules. It works with Zygote but support for ForwardDiff was recently added. See also this discourse post


Further addendum, in the example with Diffrules, dxdp is never called even though the Diffrule exists. ForwardDiff must just be working its way through nlsolve. Will update if I figure out why the diffrule is not used.

I’ll give this a try.

The reason the answers aren’t the same is that ForwardDiff.jacobian(cd,[1.0,1.0]) is ignoring the DiffRule and just injecting itself right through the nlsolve. You can see this if you put a nonsense symbol in the dxdp function that should crash the function if called. It only crashes when dxdp() is called.