How to apply an activation function to a subset of output units?

Since in Flux, all layers and activation functions are just functions, this is straightforward to implement.

Let’s say we’re working with a Dense layer with a relu activation. Now usually you would construct your layer with Dense(nin, nout, relu) for relu to be applied to every output of the Dense layer.

We can write a custom activation layer that applies a regular activation function to all but the first output as follows:

struct PartialActivation
(pa::PartialActivation)(xs) = map((i, x) -> i == 1 ? x : pa.activationfn(x), eachindex(xs), xs)

This will apply the activationfn to all but the first element.

To use it in a model, you will have to switch from something that probably looks like

Chain(.., Dense(10, 10, relu), ...)


Chain(.., Dense(10, 10), PartialActivation(relu) ...)

Hope this helps and feel free to ask questions!