How to apply a symbolic equation on a vector?

I have the following code:

using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, DataInterpolations, Plots

TSR = 2.0:0.25:10.0

cp = CubicSpline(Cp, TSR)

@variables t ω(t) Pr(t) λ(t)
@parameters J R ρ A U Pg
D = Differential(t)

eqs = [J * D(ω) * ω ~ Pr - Pg,
       λ            ~ ω * R/U,
       Pr           ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * cp(λ)

@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
sys = structural_simplify(sys)

u0 = [ω    => 0.9, # this is a fixed initial value
      D(ω) => 0.0] # the value for the derivative is an inital estimate

p = [ J => 4.0470e+07,
      R => 63,
      ρ => 1.225,
      A => 1.2469e+04,
      U => 8.1,
      Pg => 1771e3]

tspan = (0.0, 1000.0)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob, Rosenbrock23())

#### plot the result ####
X = sol.t
Y1 = [vec[1] for vec in sol.u]
Y2 = [vec[2] for vec in sol.u]
println("ω at 1000s: $(Y1[end])")
display(plot(X, Y1, label="ω"))

### How to plot λ ? I have already the equation:

Because I simplify the system of equations the variable \lambda does not appear in the solution. But I want to plot \lambda(t).

How can I do this without writing the second equation again?

plot(sol, idxs=λ)

You can also index the solution with a symbolic index, I think the syntax is something like this

sol(t, idxs=λ)

This works:

But it has not the desired effect because I cannot use the parameter reuse=false to get two diagrams on the screen. So I need to extract the vector of values of \lambda(t) from the solution.
This doesn’t work:

sol(t, idxs=λ)

This works:

TSR = sol(sol.t, idxs=λ)

Thank you!

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@baggepinnen Do you know when this was added, and what solution types it works with? I have an outstanding PR implementing this for ODESolution