Note that I have ignored the convention to uppercase type names here and left the fields of the struct untyped (which will be bad for performance).
If you have lots of shared fields prop1 … propN, you might want to group them in a separate struct, say,
struct SharedProperties
If you really want to mimick some form of structural inheritance, there a packages that give you something like it, e.g. Classes.jl or StructuralInheritance.jl. But, really, you should think about whether you actually need to inherit (parts of) the data structure. In Julia, we generally design type hierarchies by inheriting behavior rather than structure.
In my case, the naive approach would require a lot of manual code repetition.
Can dispatch be used to define “default” methods?
Would reduce typing as well.
I’m afraid I will need some sort of OO mimicking.
ref, mod1 and the others cannot be simply abstracted away but have their own “personality”.
In real life they represent different hardware implementations to be judged for their performance.
The objects can be described by a common configuration file, does this help?
Julia (through multiple dispatch) always chooses the most specific method of a generic function. So you can readily define a default for, say, meth1 like so
meth1(obj) = default() # not type annotation in the function signature
Here’s a simple, idiomatic example of how dispatch is used to define default methods (adapted from this talk):
abstract type Animal end
speak(x::Animal) = "Some noise"
struct Dog <: Animal end
speak(x::Dog) = "Woof"
struct Cat <: Animal end
speak(x::Cat) = "Meow"
struct Snake <: Animal end
speak(Dog()) # "Woof"
Speak(Cat()) # "Meow"
speak(Snake()) # "Some noise"
Dog and Cat types have a specific speak method which gets called, but Snake doesn’t, so it falls back to the more generic method for abstract Animals.