How to access values of JuMP variables during optimization

Is there a way to access values of JuMP variables during the optimization?

I need to use JuMP for a constrained optimization. At each iteration of the optimization, I need to access the values of the parameters (i.e., variable in JuMP terminology) and perform some operations on it. This is easily done in Optim.jl. But I am running into issues with JuMP. I have written up a toy example of an unconstrained optimization problem below to illustrate the issue with JumP:

I first optimize the function ssr_good which does not attempt to access the parameter values during the optimization. This runs with both Optim.JL and JuMP and returns the same results.

Next, I try to use JuMP to optimize the function ssr_bad. ssr_bad takes ssr_good and adds a statement to display the value of the JuMP variable during the optimization. The functions are otherwise identical. JuMP does not like this. It first gives the warning ┌ Warning: The model has been modified since the last call to `optimize!` (or `optimize!` has not been called yet). If you are iteratively querying solution information and modifying a model, query all the results first, then modify the model. followed by the error ERROR: OptimizeNotCalled().

# objective functions
    function ssr_good(y,x,p)
        return sum((y .- (p[1] .+ p[2:10]' .* x)).^2)

    function ssr_bad(y,x,p)
        return sum((y .- (p[1] .+ p[2:10]' .* x)).^2)

# fake data
    x1 = cumsum(ones(10,9), dims=1)
    y1 = 2 .+ cumsum(ones(9))' .* x1 .+ rand(10)

## Optimize ssr_good using Optim.jl and JuMP. Both produce same results
    # Optimize ssr_good using Optim.jl
    Optim.minimizer(optimize(p->ssr_good(y1,x1,p), ones(10)))

    # Optimize  ssr_good using JuMP
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, p_vec[1:10] >=0)
    ssr_good_JuMP(p) = ssr_good(y1,x1,p)
    @objective(model, Min, ssr_good_JuMP(p_vec))

## Optimize ssr_bad using JuMP throws error
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, p_vec[1:10] >=0)
    ssr_bad_JuMP(p) = ssr_bad(y1,x1,p)
    @objective(model, Min, ssr_bad_JuMP(p_vec))

In case this is relevant, I am actually interested in updating the values in a struct with each iteration of the optimization. Ideally I could grab value.(p) and update my struct using it.

No. JuMP works differently from Optim.

JuMP builds an expression from your function. It does not call ssr_good with values during the solve.

At each iteration of the optimization, I need to access the values of the parameters (i.e., variable in JuMP terminology) and perform some operations on it.

Can you provide a reproducible example of what you really want to achieve?

This is an example of what I want to achieve. I have a struct which holds different parameters. For any given guess of the parameter vector by the optimizer, I update the parameters in the struct. I then use a function (e.g., ssr) to compute the value of an objective function given the updated struct parameters. This works with Optim but not with JuMP.

I know I can get rid of the struct altogether and use the optimizer parameters directly as in ssr_good in the OP. I prefer updating the struct first and then calling the elements of the struct because I have hundreds of parameters and keeping them in a struct helps me organize them. Getting rid of the struct is likely to lead to errors on my part since there are too many parameters to keep track of.

I cannot use Optim in my actual application because I have to impose some linear inequality constraints on the parameters (I have some probabilities that I need to estimate and their sum cannot exceed 1).

# objective functions

struct param_struct_def
params = Array{param_struct_def}(undef, 1)
params = param_struct_def(zeros(1), zeros(9))

function ssr(y,x,p)
    params.intercept .= p[1]
    params.slopes    .= p[2:length(p)]

    return sum((y .- (params.intercept .+ params.slopes' .* x)).^2)

# fake data
x1 = cumsum(ones(10,9), dims=1)
y1 = 2 .+ cumsum(ones(9))' .* x1 .+ rand(10)

## Optimize ssr using Optim.jl and JuMP.
# Optimize ssr using Optim.jl
Optim.minimizer(optimize(p->ssr(y1,x1,p), ones(10)))

# Optimize  ssr using JuMP
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, p_vec[1:10] >=0)
ssr_JuMP(p) = ssr(y1,x1,p)
@objective(model, Min, ssr_JuMP(p_vec))

Would also be interested to know if there are any other optimizers which allows me to: (i) impose linear inequality constraints, and (ii) access parameter values during the optimization so I can update my struct

JuMP is an algebraic modeling language. It does not require, and shouldn’t really be used, to optimize a complicated Julia function that takes in a vector of decision variables.

I would rewrite your problem to be:

using JuMP, Ipopt
N = 10
x1 = cumsum(ones(N, N - 1); dims = 1)
y1 = 2 .+ cumsum(ones(N - 1))' .* x1 .+ rand(N)
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, intercept >= 0)
@variable(model, slopes[1:N-1] >= 0)
@variable(model, residuals[1:N, 1:N-1])
@constraint(model, residuals .== y1 .- intercept .+ slopes' .* x1)
@objective(model, Min, sum(residuals.^2))
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)

You can make things very readable and introduce many constraints, decisions variables etc. You don’t need a struct to decompose the single parameter vector.

If you want to stick with the struct, JuMP is not the right tool. Try NLPModels.jl or Optimization.jl. See:

I have some probabilities that I need to estimate and their sum cannot exceed 1

p.s., you might note that the first example on is linear regression where the parameters sum to 1 :smile:

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Is there an advantage to writing the objective function as an @constraint? I must define my objective function using an outside function in my actual application. Computing the objective involves solving for equilibria within a system which in turn requires numerical integration over simulated data.

If you’re doing linear regression, then Ipopt has special support for linear constraints, and the objective is a diagonal sum of squares. It solves faster and is more robust.

If that isn’t your actual objective, then it depends.

The more realistic you can make the reproducible example, the better. It’s hard to offer advice if that isn’t the problem you are interested in solving.