I am using IDA to solve a system of stiff differential equations. I know that this particular system of equations is singular. However, I am trying to understand the singularity better.
It seems that at some point the adaptive time step (h in IDA) is going to zero. I would like to make dtmin = 0.01
. When I tried to use dtmin = 0.01
and force_dtmin = true
together, I got an error message: The dtmin argument is ignored by IDA...
Finally, I receive the error message [IDAS ERROR] IDASolve At t = 0.116722 and h = 1.85659e-07, the corrector convergence failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin.
In the Sundials manual, I saw that IDA allows the user to provide various input functions. For example, there is this main solver optional input function called IDASetMinStep()
. This takes the default value zero. How can I change this (say, for example, I want to make it 1e-2)?
A more general question would be: How can I pass other input functions from the Sundials manual (other than the ones supported by Sundials.jl – e.g., max_order, max_error_test_failures etcetra) to IDA()?